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Time:  10:00-13:00; 15:00 – 18:00 (GMT+3)

Venue:  Hybrid (Conference Room 2 and online)

Chaired by: H.E. Mr. Firas Khouri, Chair of the Committee of Permanent Representatives, Ambassador of The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to Kenya and Permanent Representative to UNEP.

Provisional agenda Uploaded on 6 May 2024

Quarterly Report to the 166th Meeting of the CPR - January to March 2024 (Advance unedited version) Uploaded on 16 May 2024

Agenda Item 1: Opening of the meeting by the Chair of the Committee of Permanent Representatives.

UNEP/CPR/166/3 - Revised list of arrivals and departures in the Committee of Permanent Representatives:  Uploaded on 7th June 2024

Agenda Item 2: Adoption of the provisional agenda of the 166th meeting of the Committee of Permanent Representatives.

UNEP/CPR/166/1/Rev.1 - Provisional agenda Uploaded on 6 May 2024

Agenda Item 3: Adoption of the draft minutes of the 164th meeting of the Committee of Permanent Representatives.

UNEP/CPR/165/2 - Draft minutes of the 164th meeting of the Committee of Permanent Representatives to the United Nations Environment Programme, held on 25 January 2024 Uploaded on 9 May 2024

Agenda Item 4: Adoption of the draft minutes of the 165th meeting of the Committee of Permanent Representatives.

UNEP/CPR/166/2 - Draft minutes of the 165th meeting of the Committee of Permanent Representatives to the United Nations Environment Programme, held on 25 January 2024 Uploaded on 9 May 2024

Agenda Item 5: Report of the Executive Director to the 166th meeting of the Committee of Permanent Representatives. 

Quarterly Report to the 166th Meeting of the CPR - January to March 2024 (Advance unedited version) Uploaded on 16 May 2024

Agenda Item 6: UNEA-6 assessment and lessons learned.

UNEA-6 assessment and lessons learned – Revised 22 May 2024

Agenda Item 7: Preparations for COP 16 of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification. 

UNEP/CPR/166/6 - Background document for agenda item 7 on preparations for COP 16 of the UNCCD Uploaded on 20 May 2024

Presentation by UNCCD – uploaded on 10 June 2024

Weblink to the COP 16 of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification

Agenda Item 8: Consideration of relevant evaluation reports and audits.

Agenda Item 9: Report of the subcommittee.

UNEP/CPR/166/7/Rev.1 - Draft report of the Subcommittee of the Committee of Permanent Representatives Revised version uploaded on 7 June 2024

Agenda Item 10: Any other business.

Agenda Item 11: Closing of the meeting.

Agenda Item 5: Report of the Executive Director to the 166th meeting of the Committee of Permanent Representatives. 

Chile Uploaded on 13 June 2024

Costa Rica Uploaded on 13 June 2024

Japan Uploaded on 13 June 2024

State of Palestine Uploaded on 13 June 2024

EU and its Member States Uploaded on 13 June 2024

Columbia Uploaded on 13 June 2024

Children and Youth Major Group Uploaded on 14 June 2024

Agenda Item 7: Preparations for COP 16 of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification. 

Columbia Uploaded on 14 June 2024