2024 Asia Environmental Enforcement Recognition of Excellence

About the Asia Environmental Enforcement Recognition of Excellence  

The Asia Environmental Enforcement Recognition of Excellence (AEEE) publicly celebrates excellence in enforcement by government officials and institutions or teams combatting transboundary crimes that affect the environment. The AEEE is conferred to individuals and/or government organizations/teams that demonstrate excellence and outstanding leadership in enforcement of national laws to combat transboundary crime. The thematic scope of the AEEE covers any transboundary crime that affects the environment, including the illegal harvest, trade and transport of endangered wildlife, timber, fish, minerals, and sand, as well as the illegal trade and disposal of waste, chemicals, pesticides, mercury and the illegal trade in ozone-depleting substances hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs). From 2015-2023, AEEE was known as the Asia Environmental Enforcement Awards.  

2024 Asia Environmental Enforcement Recognition of Excellence theme: fighting transboundary crimes that affect the environment 

Transboundary environmental crime presents a serious threat in Asia. Illegal trade in wildlife undermines conservation efforts, harms economies, devastates livelihoods, and compromises ecosystems on which humans depend. It also takes place on the routes between Asia and Africa, Europe and Latin America at significant scale. The Asia region is as well one of the main destinations for illegally traded chemicals and waste. Particularly, there are concerns over the significant increase of trade in plastic waste in recent years. Millions of tonnes of hazardous waste, plastic waste and harmful chemicals are transported to and within Asia, having disastrous effects for human health and the environment. Governmental authorities working on environmental enforcement issues are on the front line of efforts to combat transboundary environmental crime. The 2024 edition of AEEE will recognize and celebrate their critical role in doing so. 

Nominations are now open, apply here. The nomination window closes at midnight (GMT+7) on 30 September 2024. 

Access the information note on the 2024 Asia Environmental Enforcement Recognition of Excellence here.

2023 Awards Press Release

Asia Enforcement Awards winners tackling scourge of transboundary environmental crime

Bangkok, 28 November 2023 – Government agencies and officials from the Philippines, Thailand, China, India, and Tanzania were announced today as recipients of the