Stockholm+50 has emphasized the global interconnectedness of the
environment and the need to collectively address the three planetary environmental crises of
climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution – for present and future generations. The
Stockholm+50 called for greater accountability to deliver on national and international
responsibilities and address the three planetary environmental crises in integrated ways.
Reinforce and reinvigorate the multilateral system, through ensuring an effective rules-based
multilateral system that supports countries in delivering on their national and global
commitments, to ensure fair and effective multilateralism, strengthening the environmental rule of
law, including by promoting convergence and synergies within the United Nations system and between
multilateral environmental agreements. Cooperations by all actors is essential to accelerate the
transfer of knowledge, technology, and know-how, and to scale up the availability and access to
and affordability of digital goods and services and critical infrastructure in developing
The overall goal of strengthening the engagement of multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs)
in UNEA-6 is to promote coherence between the resolutions of the Assembly and the decisions of the
governing bodies of the MEAs. Besides, multilateral cooperation is to support the Environment
Assembly in enhancing its relationship with the MEAs and its contribution to the implementation of
the 2030 Agenda, by strengthening convergence of action and dialogue on common strategies and
sharing of experiences, while providing increased visibility to the decisions of the governing
bodies of the MEAs.
Ministers, Heads of the Delegation, MEA Secretariats, other stakeholders, and representatives will
have an opportunity to share their Asia Pacific regional perspectives on effectiveness of the
multilateral environmental cooperations, including finance, technology, and capacity building, at
national, subregional, and regional levels, to achieve internationally agreed goals including SDGs
on climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution
- Chair (Bureau Member)
- Introduction by the Secretariat (UNEP DED)
- Panelist
- Speaker A
- Speaker B
- Speaker C
- Speaker D
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