UNEA-6 Ministerial Declaration

UNEP/EA.6/HLS.1 - Ministerial declaration

UNEA-6 Proceedings report

UNEP/EA.6/14 - Draft proceedings of the United Nations Environment Assembly at its sixth session [advance version]

A/79/25 - Report of the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA) at its sixth session to the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and the General Assembly.

UNEA-6 Resolutions

UNEP/EA.6/Res.1 - Circularity of a resilient and low-carbon sugar cane agro-industry

UNEP/EA.6/Res.2 - Amendments to the Instrument for the Establishment of the Restructured Global Environment Facility

UNEP/EA.6/Res.3 - Enhancing the role and viability of regional forums of environment ministers and United Nations Environment Programme regional offices in achieving multilateral cooperation in tackling environmental challenges

UNEP/EA.6/Res.4 - Promoting synergies, cooperation or collaboration for national implementation of multilateral environmental agreements and other relevant environmental instruments

UNEP/EA.6/Res.5 - Environmental aspects of minerals and metals

UNEP/EA.6/Res.6 - Fostering national action to address global environmental challenges through increased cooperation between the United Nations Environment Assembly, the United Nations Environment Programme and multilateral environmental agreements

UNEP/EA.6/Res.7 - Combating sand and dust storms

UNEP/EA.6/Res.8 - Promoting sustainable lifestyles

UNEP/EA.6/Res.9 - Sound management of chemicals and waste

UNPE/EA.6/Res.10 - Promoting regional cooperation on air pollution to improve air quality globally

UNEP/EA.6/Res.11 - Highly hazardous pesticides

UNEP/EA.6/Res.12 - Environmental assistance and recovery in areas affected by armed conflict

UNEP/EA.6/Res.13 - Effective and inclusive solutions for strengthening water policies to achieve sustainable development in the context of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution

UNEP/EA.6/Res.14 - Strengthening international efforts to combat desertification and land degradation, restore degraded land, promote land conservation and sustainable land management, contribute to land degradation neutrality and enhance drought resilience

UNEP/EA.6/Res.15 - Strengthening ocean efforts to tackle climate change, marine biodiversity loss and pollution

UNEA-6 Decisions

6/1 - Adoption of the agenda

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6/2 - Organization of work 

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6/3 - Accreditation of intergovernmental organizations to the United Nations Environment Assembly 

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6/4 - Credential of representatives 

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6/5 - Contributions of the United Nations Environment Assembly to the meetings of the high-level political forum on sustainable development 

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6/6 - Management of trust funds and earmarked contributions 

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6/7 - Provisional agenda, dates and venue of the seventh session of the United Nations Environment Assembly 

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6/8 - Election of the Bureau of the seventh session of the United Nations Environment Assembly

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UNEA-6 List of participants

UNEP/EA.6/INF/20 - List of participants in the sixth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly [English only]


