18 Apr 2023 Story Oceans & seas

Countries adopt Marine and Coastal Ecosystems Framework

On 10 April, COBSEA participating countries adopted the Marine and Coastal Ecosystems (MCE) Framework by silence procedure. The MCE Framework aims to integrate and harmonize all programmes, projects, and activities for the conservation and management of the marine and coastal environment of the East Asian Seas. Anchored on the overarching theme of Blue Economy, the MCE Framework provides a clear direction to achieving the relevant targets from the Sustainable Development Goals and the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. This will complement efforts on Marine and Coastal Spatial Planning, Marine Protected Areas, and the conservation and restoration of Marine and Coastal Habitats. The adoption of the MCE Framework further establishes a COBSEA Working Group on Marine and Coastal Ecosystems which will be composed of technical experts from the participating countries. The Working Group will identify priorities and guide the Secretariat on relevant activities at regional level and is a mechanism for knowledge sharing.

The initial drafts of the MCE Framework were first presented to countries during informal consultations in August and September 2022. These consultations highlighted the need to make Blue Economy as an overarching theme to ensure efforts lead towards sustainable ocean ecosystems that is equitable and inclusive to the communities. Blue Economy shall thus be integrated in the different activities that will be executed within the context of the MCE Framework.

The MCE Framework was presented as a working document to resumed session of the Twenty-fifth Intergovernmental Meeting (IGM) in Hanoi, Viet Nam, held in October 2022. Participating countries requested the Secretariat to delay the adoption of the Framework by silence procedure to include final targets of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework.

At the start of 2023, the COBSEA Secretariat presented the updated MCE Framework to participating countries for adoption through silence procedure. After 10 weeks of virtual negotiations and revisions, the MCE Framework was formally adopted on 10 April after no further comments or objections were received.

National Focal Points are requested to nominate members for the established Working Group. The Secretariat will continue to develop projects and initiatives to operationalize the MCE Framework in consultation with the Working Group and will explore strategic partnerships and collaboration with relevant stakeholders in the region.

MCE Framework
Within the overarching theme of Blue Economy, COBSEA efforts for protection and management of the marine and coastal ecosystems include support in marine and coastal spatial planning, establishment and strengthening management of marine protected areas, and the conservation and restoration of marine and coastal habitats.