In Sustainable Development Goals


12.7.1 Degree of sustainable public procurement policies and action plan implementation (Tier II)

A Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP) action plan is a policy document articulating the priorities and actions a public authority will adopt to support the implementation of SPP. Plans usually/should address the environmental, social and economic dimensions of SPP, and recognise the potential for SPP to realise SDGs. More information is on the OnePlanet Network site.

The methodology developed by UNEP and its partners proposes an index measuring the level of implementation of sustainable public procurement (SPP) in a single country. It covers 8 sub-themes assessing  (i) the existence of SPP policies and/or SPP legislation, (ii) the efforts and means dedicated by countries towards the implementation of SPP policies (process indicators), (iii) the outputs developed through these policies (outputs indicators) and (iv) the results achieved by these policies (outcome indicators). 

The methodology applies a progressive approach to allow countries to consider certain options such as the inclusion of the sub-national level in the calculation. The methodology can be used by countries who are not yet able to measure outcome indicators even if they have already designed and have started implementation of SPP policies.


12.7.1 Metadata
12.7.1 Methodology
12.7.1 Data
12.7.1 Contact: Ludgarde Coppens

SDG 12 Hub


In Sustainable Development Goals