
Preventing the next pandemic - Zoonotic diseases and how to break the chain of transmission

29 February 2020
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In this time of crisis, thousands of papers and guidelines have already been published about COVID-19. Most of these consider the important questions of how to respond to the ongoing public health crisis, or how to mitigate the impacts of the pandemic. This report takes a step back and considers the root causes of the emergence and spread of the novel coronavirus and other ‘zoonoses’—diseases that are transmitted between animals and humans. The report also offers a set of practical recommendations that can help policymakers prevent and respond to future disease outbreaks. 

UNEP Executive Director Inger Andersen and ILRI Director General Jimmy Smith launched the report at a press briefing in New York City on 6 July 2020. Watch session here. 

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Photo on UNEP homepage: by ILRI/Paul Karaimu