News Nature Action

Spotlight on nature and biodiversity

Nature is humanity’s lifeline. Human health, food, economies and well-being depend on nature. Yet nature is in crisis. One million of the world’s estimated 8 million species of plants and animals are threatened with extinction. Meanwhile, ecosystem degradation is affecting the well-being of 40 per cent of the global population.

The spotlight on nature and biodiversity highlights updates from around the UN System, from partners and others, helping to call attention to the need for a just, prosperous and sustainable future for all.

18 Jun 2024 15:11

As trees rise, parched African landscapes spring back to life

Two people planting a tree

More than 600,000 households in six countries have benefited from an initiative to restore African landscapes suffering from drought and desertification. 

The initiative, Regreening Africa, has restored more than 350,000 hectares across Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Niger, Rwanda, Senegal and Somalia. Find out more.

06 Jun 2024 16:07

Coral bleaching: why and what it means for the ocean’s future

A diver swims near a patch of white corals.
Credit: The Ocean Agency/Ocean Image Bank 

Rising ocean temperatures are threatening the world's corals, which support 25 per cent of marine life.

This story explains what this could mean for the future of these undersea cities.

05 Jun 2024 11:28

Leo's Search for a New Home: a performance on 8 June in Mombasa

A poster with a photo and text
Image: Go Blue Project

When: 8 June | 4 pm

Where: Swahilipot Hub, Mombasa, Kenya

"Leo's Search for a New Home” is a heartwarming and inspiring story that teaches children the importance of recycling and reducing the use of plastics, caring about our common home, the Earth as individuals but also as part of a global community.

The story follows Leo, a young sea turtle looking for a place he can call home. As Leo sets out on a journey to find a new home, he encounters a variety of different ocean animals and scenarios, each with its own unique set of characteristics and challenges.

UNEP and UN-Habitat through the EU-funded Go Blue Project have sponsored this event.

04 Jun 2024 13:01

Happening today: Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Agrifood Systems

Banner image with words
Image: EMG

The webinar titled "Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Agrifood Systems", happening today from 15:00 – 16:30 CEST, will focus on actions and initiatives aimed at mainstreaming biodiversity across agrifood sectors.

Held in collaboration with FAO and IFAD, this is the second in the UN Common Approach to Biodiversity webinar series.

See the meeting agenda and joining instructions.

04 Jun 2024 08:32

What's coming up on day two of the Fifth Montevideo Programme Meeting

Delegates listen to proceedings at the Second Global Meeting of National Focal Points
Photo: UNEP/Eugene Kaiga

A number of sessions and events taking place today, including discussions on implementation and funding of the Montevideo Programme; a report on priority areas for legal responses to combat the biodiversity crisis; and a summary of emerging environmental issues and their relationship with other legal fields. There are also side events on regional multilateralism with a focus on the Escazú Agreement, as well as the legal preparedness to implement a global plastics treaty. 

03 Jun 2024 19:09

Progress made on first day of Fifth Meeting of Montevideo Programme

Attendees at the fifth meeting of Montevideo Programme
Photo: UNEP/Eugene Kaiga

The first day of the Fifth Meeting of the Montevideo Programme saw several talking points emerge, including an emphasis on how important the Montevideo Programme is in promoting environmental rule of law to address the triple planetary crisis of climate change, nature and biodiversity loss, and pollution and waste. There was also a focus on how the Programme can be enhanced, including by strengthening the laws and regulations that govern environmental protection; improving the systems and processes for gathering, managing, and sharing information related to the environment; and improving public engagement on the environment. Also highlighted was just how important good governance, effective legislation, and enforcement mechanisms are to combatting environmental challenges, including pollution and waste trafficking. 

03 Jun 2024 18:07

Montevideo Programme can help unleash transformative power of environmental law

UNEP’s Director of Law Division, Patricia Kameri-Mbote underscored the importance of the Montevideo Programme during the opening day of the Fifth Meeting of Montevideo Programme. “The Montevideo Programme has achieved milestones in advancing environmental rule of law since its inception in 1982,” she said. “The Fifth iteration of the Programme is especially significant as it puts the national focal points, and stakeholders, at the driving seat. This country-driven approach has enabled the programme to tailor interventions to address existing needs in a targeted and useful manner.” 

Patricia Kameri-Mbote quote card

03 Jun 2024 17:09

Second Global Meeting of National Focal Points to the Montevideo Programme V opens in Nairobi today

IIndividuals at the Second Global Meeting of the Montevideo Focal Points conference with microphones, nameplates, and laptops.
Photo: UNEP/Eugene Kaiga

Today is the opening day of the Second Global Meeting of the Montevideo Focal Points which is taking place until Wednesday, 5 June. The gathering aims to strengthen the Montevideo Environmental Law Programme, an intergovernmental effort designed to promote the development and implementation of the environmental rule of law. The three-day event will also feature the launch of the Fifth Montevideo Programme on Environmental Law handbook.  

The event takes place in a busy year for climate court cases, as this UNEP article explains.  

02 Jun 2024 13:56

What is the Montevideo Programme?

Watch an explainer video to learn more about the Montevideo Programme and why it matters. 


30 May 2024 13:45

Highlights from SBSTTA26 and SBI4


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