• Overview
  • UNEP events

When: 3 to 13 June

Where: World Conference Center, Bonn, Germany

Participation and registration information

The 60th Sessions of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Subsidiary Bodies (also called the 2024 Bonn Climate Change Conference) will build on the many mandates that emerged at COP28 in Dubai, and aim to drive forward progress on key issues and prepare decisions for adoption at the COP29 UN Climate Change Conference in Baku, Azerbaijan, in November of 2024.

National delegates and civil society representatives and other participants will focus on critical issues such as climate finance, advancing progress on the next round of national climate action plans (or Nationally Determined Contributions, NDCs), the timely submission of countries’ first Biennial Transparency Reports, work on National Adaptation Plans, and accelerating climate action through a just transition, among many other important issues.

The Subsidiary Bodies (SBs) are an integral part of the Bonn Climate Change Conference. They consist of two bodies: the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) and the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA). These bodies support the work of the UNFCCC.

What to expect at the Bonn Climate Change Conference


Representatives from UNEP will be organizing, co-organizing and/or supporting the following events at SB60 (Bonn Climate Change Conference).

Time zone: CEST

2 June | 1300-1800 hrs | UAE JTWP Dialogue

Dialogue under the UAE work programme on Just Transition Pathways “Just Transition Pathways to achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement through NDCs, NAPs and LT-LEDs”.

3 - 11 June | Pathways for Climate Technology Implementation: a TNA Exhibition

The exhibition comprises TNA impact stories from Pakistan, Mongolia, Liberia, Cuba and Ecuador.

3 June | 0730-1300 hrs | UAE JTWP Dialogue

Dialogue under the UAE work programme on Just Transition Pathways “Just Transition Pathways to achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement through NDCs, NAPs and LT-LEDs”.

3 June | 1400-1600 hrs | Round table on BTR preparation and NDC update

The CMA, at its fifth session, requested the secretariat to organize an in-person workshop, to be held at SBI 60 (June 2024), as well as regional online workshops to be held prior to that session, with the relevant stakeholders, such as the GEF and its implementing agencies, as appropriate, on support available to developing country Parties for preparing their BTRs and enhancing sustainable institutional capacity and national reporting systems.

3 June | 1500-1800 hrs | Event on transport

Unpacking the positive and negative impacts of low and zero emission transport technologies.

4 June | 1000-1800 hrs | Workshop on linkages between the Technology Mechanism and Financial Mechanism 

4 June | 1500-1800 hrs | Technical exchange focusing on Institutional Arrangements Related to Transparency in Loss and Damage

The UNEP-CCC Loss and Damage team plans to organize a technical expert consultation meeting in Bonn during the 60th Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) session. This meeting will focus on transparency aspects related to loss and damage, which are central to UNEP and the work done at UNEP-CCC.

4 June | 1500-1800 hrs | Workshop on support available for biennial transparency reports and enhancing sustainable institutional capacity

In-person workshop on support available to developing country Parties for preparing their biennial transparency reports and enhancing sustainable institutional capacity and national reporting systems within their governments for implementing the ETF, and in providing guidance on the application process for transparency-related projects.

4 June | 1530-1730 hrs | Marrakech Partnership in-person workshop: Collaborating towards COP 29

First in-person interaction between the High-Level Champions (HLCs) and the MP to provide a strategic moment to deepen on 2024 priorities of HLCs and MP and aligning desired COP 29 deliverables with the 2030 Climate Solutions in the context of enhanced NDCs. 

5 June | 1530-1630 hrs | LGMA Dialogue with Co-Chairs of UNFCCC Mitigation Work Ambition

On Implementation Programme focusing on cities, building and urban systems.

5 June | 1500-1700 hrs | Regional Climate Weeks Coordination meeting 

The purpose will be to take stock of where we are with the RCWs and prospective next steps. 

5 June | 1800-2000 hrs | Meeting with TEC and UNFCCC Mitigation Programme on planning cooperation 

GlobalABC supports preparation of the joint with TEC “knowledge product” and organization of events – these will be presented by UNEP and discussed. 

6 June | 0830-1000 hrs | Global Cooling Pledge

Consultation on the Global Cooling Pledge Implementation Strategy with countries.

6 June | 0930-1930 hrs | 10th EbA Knowledge Day  

The 10th EbA Knowledge Day will spotlight EbA action and illustrate its distinctive benefits in achieving climate, biodiversity and land-related goals under the Rio Conventions.

6 June | 1000-1300 hrs | Glasgow Dialogue 

The third Glasgow Dialogue (GD3) will build on GD1 and GD2 and focus on enhancing coherence and coordination across the loss and damage support architecture and the role of the funding arrangements in this context.

6 June | 1015-1130 hrs | Key AR6 findings in view of IPCC´s program of work for the seventh assessment cycle

6 June | 1300-1700 hrs | GlobalABC Subnational Stakeholders Action Group Meeting 

6 June | 1315-1430 hrs | Making NDCs 3.0 ambitious and investment-ready through Technology Action Plans

NDCs 3.0 can serve as climate investment plans for a 1.5C-aligned future. This event will showcase how Technology Action Plans inform national climate targets and translate them into investment opportunities through the TNA process.

6 June | from 1500 hrs | Global Stocktake (GST) Dialogue 

7 June | 0830-0930 hrs | COP 29 Presidency

COP 29 President-Designate meeting with UNFCCC, UNSG CAT, UNDP RC, UNEP

7 June | 0900-1200 hrs | Cool Coalition Steering Committee

7 June | 0900-1030 hrs | In-person meeting of the task force with the COP 29 Presidency Team

7 June | 1000-1300 hrs | Glasgow Dialogue (cont.)

7 June | 1145-1300 hrs | Making Nitrogen Visible through the Rio Conventions

The event highlights the need to go further in “making nitrogen visible” in the UNFCCC and future multilateral agendas.

7 June | 1300-1400 hrs | Workshop on accelerating climate action and aligning ambition of the NDCs 3.0 with the temperature goal of the Paris Agreement

7 June | 1500-1630 hrs | GST Dialogue (cont.)

7 June | 1800-2000 hrs | ICAT Partner Reception

8 June | 0900-1200 hrs | NDCs 3.0: Supporting the next round of NDCs

8 June | 1315-1430 hrs | Responding to climate emergency through multilevel NDCs - from commitment to action

8 June | 1500-1700 hrs | 2nd meeting on Ad-hoc work programme on on NCQG

8 June | 1700-2030 hrs | Enhancing NDCs with non-CO2 Strategies: Benefits and Opportunities for Support

10 June | 1100-1130 hrs | Report launch: Forest action and ambition in NDCs: closing the gap by 2030

Launch of new UN-REDD report highlighting critical gaps in NDCs to halt deforestation.

10 June | 1300-1500 hrs | CGE side-event at SB 60 - BTR Dialogue with the CGE and PAICC

10 June | 1315-1430 hrs | CTCN event: Innovation and technology in support of risk- informed climate adaptation and Early Warnings for All

11 June | 1500-1700 hrs | Global EbA Fund Steering Committee meeting

The 7th Global EbA Fund Steering Committee meeting will be held in person at the BMUV Offices in Bonn. The meeting will be chaired by UNEP and attended by UNEP, IUCN and BMUV/IKI.